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Document Title: [Missile Command Tech.html (html file)]

Missile Command Dip Switch Settings, Memory Map, and Pinouts

Missile Command Dip Switch Settings, Memory Map, and Pinouts

Missile Command Pinouts

Submitted by Jonathan Deitch (jdeitch@umiami.miami.edu), John L. Cwikla (cwikla@wri.com)

Note : an * denotes an inverted line        

Wiring List for P20:
             GND                    | A | 1 |           + 5 return from regulator
              + 5 V Reg.            | B | 2 |           + 5 V Reg.
                                    | C | 3 |
                                    | D | 4 |
             Audio 1 Out            | E | 5 |           Audio 2 Out
                Video Horiz. Sync   | F | 6 |           Video Vert. Sync
           Start 2 LED *            | H | 7 |           Left Fire Button
                Center Fire Button  | J | 8 |           Right Fire Button
                Right Coin Slot *   | K | 9 |           Left Coin Slot *
              Video Blue            | L | 10|           Video Red
             Video Green            | M | 11|           Left Coin Counter
                Center Coin Counter | N | 12|           Right Coin Counter
           Start 1 LED *            | P | 13|           Start Button 1 *
             Test Switch            | R | 14|           Slam Switch
                Center Coin Slot *  | S | 15|           Start Button 2 *
                Vert. Tball Dir.    | T | 16|           Vert. Tball Clock
                Horiz. Tball Clock  | U | 17|           Horiz. Tball Dir.
                                    | V | 18|           Comp Sync *
                                    | W | 19|           - 5 V
                                    | X | 20|           + 12 V
                + 5 to Controls     | Y | 21|           + Sense
                GND to Controls     | Z | 22|           - Sense

Wiring List for P19: (Only used in cocktail version)
                                   | A | 1 | 
                                   | B | 2 |
                                   | C | 3 |
             Right Fire Button 2   | D | 4 |
             Center Fire Button 2  | E | 5 |           Left Fire Button 2
                                   | F | 6 |
             Cocktail              | H | 7 |
                                   | J | 8 |
              Horiz. Tball Dir. 2  | K | 9 |           Vert. Tball Dir. 2
              Horiz. Tball Clock 2 | L | 10|           Vert. Tball Clock 2
                                   | M | 11|

Missile Command Dip Switch Settings

(8-position switch at R8)

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8          
Off Off                         7 # OF CITIES
On  On                          6
On  Off                         5
Off On                          4
        On                      No bonus credit
        Off                     1 bonus credit for 4 successive coins
            On                  Large trak-ball input
            Off                 Mini Trak-ball input
                On  Off Off     8K   BONUS CITY EVERY
                On  On  On      10K
                Off On  On      12K
                On  Off On      14K
                Off Off On      16K
                On  On  Off     18K
                Off On  Off     20K
                Off Off Off     NONE              
(8-position switch at R10)

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   COIN/CREDIT
On  On                          1 /1in 1 play
Off On                          FREE     
Off On                          2/1
Off Off                         1/2
        On  On                  Right coin mech * 1
        Off On                  Right coin mech * 4
        On  Off                 Right coin mech * 5
        Off Off                 Right coin mech * 6
                On              Center coin mech * 1
                Off             Center coin mech * 2
                    On  On      English
                    Off On      French
                    On  Off     German
                    Off Off     Spanish

Missile Command Memory Map

      Directly from schematics..

      HEX        R/W   D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D2 D0  function
      0000-01FF  R/W   D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D   512 bytes working ram
      0200-05FF  R/W   D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D   3rd color bit region 
						of screen ram.
      0600-063F  R/W   D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D   More working ram.
      06F0-3FFF  R/W   D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D   2-color bit region of 
						screen ram.
      4000-400F  R/W   D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D   POKEY ports. 
      4800       R     D                        Right coin 
      4800       R        D                     Center coin   
      4800       R           D                  Left coin      
      4800       R              D               1 player start         
      4800       R                 D            2 player start             
      4800       R                    D         2nd player left fire(cocktail)
      4800       R                       D      2nd player center fire  "
      4800       R                          D   2nd player right fire   " 
      4800       R                 D  D  D  D   Horiz trackball displacement
						if ctrld=high. 
      4800       R     D  D  D  D               Vert trackball displacement
						if ctrld=high. 
      4800       W     D                        Unused ?? 
      4800       W        D                     screen flip
      4800       W           D                  left coin counter
      4800       W              D               center coin counter
      4800       W                 D            right coin counter
      4800       W                    D         2 player start LED. 
      4800       W                       D      1 player start LED.
      4800       W                          D   CTRLD, 0=read switches,
						1= read trackball.
      4900       R     D                        VBLANK read
      4900       R        D                     Self test switch input.
      4900       R           D                  SLAM switch input.
      4900       R              D               Horiz trackball direction input.
      4900       R                 D            Vert trackball direction input.
      4900       R                    D         1st player left fire. 
      4900       R                       D      1st player center fire.
      4900       R                          D   1st player right fire.
      4A00       R     D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D   Option switches.
      4B00-4B07  W                 D  D  D  D   Color RAM.      
      4C00       W                              Watchdog.       
      4D00       W                              Interrupt acknowledge.
      5000-7FFF  R     D  D  D  D  D  D  D  D   Program. 